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Keep your monthly expenses in order with this budget planner, which includes everything you need to manage your finances.


This set includes:


MONTHLY OVERVIEW: Get a general overview of your financial position for the month, keep track of important expenses and set goals.


INCOME AND EXPENSES: Keep track of income coming in as well as bills + expenses so you know you’re not spending more than what’s coming in.


DEBT TRACKER: Gain control of your debt by setting regular payments so you can see the debt grow smaller and smaller.


SAVINGS TRACKER: Set a savings goal for yourself + track your progress as you go. Add to the piggy bank + set a reward for yourself to enjoy once it’s full.


FINANCIAL CALENDAR: Keep track of important dates when bills and recurring expenses are due so you don’t get taken by surprise. You can also take note of when income is coming in.


+ BONUS GOAL PLANNER: Go more in depth with your financial goals. Set your goal, outline your motivation and inspire yourself to reach it, determine what might get in your way and set out the steps you need to complete in order to smash your goal.


This budget planner set features a colourful and playful illustrated big cats design.


Both A4 and US letter size are included so you can print off in whatever size is convenient for you.


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Files included with your purchase are:


-6 x A4 size PDFs

-6 x US letter size PDFs

-1 x A4 bonus PDF 'How to Use Your Goal Planner'


Once you've completed your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to download your product. This link is valid for 30 days. If you require the download link after the 30 day period, please send me a message via the contact page with your order number and I can resend the link to you.


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Handy tips:


-For best results print on bright white paper.


-Due to the large print area, 100 to 150gsm paper is recommended to avoid buckling when printing.


-Please note that the colours may appear differently when printed than they do on screen depending on your screen settings and printer.


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-All work is © Jasper & Pud 


-This is a digital item and no physical product will be sent to you.


-Please head to the FAQ page and read through my return policy before making your purchase.


-Please note that all files are for personal use only and are not to be resold, shared or distributed without permission.


-If you have any questions about this item you can get in touch via the contact page or at and I will get back to you as soon as possible – usually within 24 hours.

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